Tag Archives: Popin

Lena Corwin’s Made by Hand

7 Jun

more than a year back when I was looking for a print-making book to keep as reference, I chanced upon Lena Corwin’s Printing by Hand and immediately wanted to head straight for the cashier. The clear instructions and good instructional photos, not to mention the pretty project patterns sold the book right away.



so imagine my excitement when I found she has a new book out! I got to flip through Made by Hand and I love it! the book brings in more techniques beyond print-making as Lena Corwin invites her other artist friends to contribute a project each. the result? a book with how-tos for wide-ranging craft techniques including “dyeing, sewing, weaving, crochet, and jewelry making”.  For a crafter who likes to try everything (that’s me!), this book is quite perfect.


check out the book’s trailer:

<p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/73904214″>Lena Corwin’s MADE BY HAND – Book Trailer</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/user4770199″>Lena Corwin</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>


I loved that the idea from the book came from various classes held in her studio conducted by others. It just reminds me of what we are trying to do with the POPIN Studio this year! (while response has been slow, we are so grateful to be able to invite so many talented crafters with different skills from paper-cutting to dreamcatchers to ceramics to mosaic to soft sculpture to fabric stamping and book-binding!) oh and did i mention Lena Corwin’s Studio looks so dreamy?

doesn’t it make you want to get started on a crafty project right now?


(all images from Lena Corwin’s website)

The Exquisite Book: 100 Artists Play a Collaborative Game

23 Aug

“In The Exquisite Book, one hundred indie artists play an ingenious version of the Exquisite Corpse drawing game. Each adorns a page with artworkhaving seen only the page of the artist immediately prior and using a single horizon line to connect the two. Some continue the “story” quite literally while others build on the previous page in more fanciful ways. This astonishing volume’s format is as unique as its content, with each of the book’s ten chapters residing on a ten-page accordion pull-out, allowing readers to view the art continuously. With an illustrated foreword by Dave Eggers, and art from such luminaries as James Jean and Jill Bliss, this charming book is, simply, exquisite.”


admittedly, I have yet to lay my hands on this book but the fact it is by Book by its Cover’s Julia Rothman and the way this promotional video (below) make it look… it looks good and I am about to race down to the library to read it! haha!

<p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/15045308″>The Exquisite Book</a>

book found here.


She even had an Exquisite Exhibition and Exquisite Crafternoons! If you have no clue what the concept of ‘exquisite corpse'(where the title of the book was derived from) is… check out some of these examples from their crafternoon sessions! 🙂


read more about the exquisite crafternoons here.


it was held at the libraries too, and reminded me so much of our Popin events in Singapore! We are having our on-going Bird Project so if you are in Singapore and love the idea of community crafting, do join us!